Thursday, July 2, 2009

“One UN” Country Pilot

“The biggest challenge in fighting AIDS is in the mindset of people and on how to change their attitude…”

“Delivering as One” has several key issues as mentioned below:
• Commitment UN leadership at Head Quarter level.
• National leadership and ownership need to be scaled up.
• Harmonisation and simplification of business practice within the UN bodies.
• Increased transaction costs.
• Lack of clear accountability and incentive for agency staff.
• Capacity of UN agencies.
• Adherence to the Paris Declaration agenda.

• ‘Delivering as One’ initiative is working.
• UNAIDS served to be a useful model.
• Need to sustain the programs.

The NGO Delegations requested clarification on the difference role of the UNAIDS HQ and Regional Offices, especially anything related to technical assistance. Better communication needs to be built.

Zambia mentioned that the document of ‘Delivering as One’ did not reflect any impacts in financial sector. Meanwhile, The UK and its constituents [Ireland and Italy] expressed the need for agencies and HQ to reconfirm their commitment accordingly to the TOR. On the other hand, Turkey and its constituents [Australia, Canada, Greece and New Zealand] addressed that there is a need to see the developing of a more comprehensive program implementation indicators, while Switzerland recalled keeping the UN reform process on top of priority and Netherlands together with its constituents [Belgium, Luxemburg and Portugal] requested UNAIDS to maximise its engagement in developing countries. ‘Delivering as One’ can learn a lot, on the other hands there must impacts that change the environment. France and its constituents [Germany, Lichtenstein and Monaco] mentioned that mainstreaming and harmonising the programs in the field is fully supported. However, the document did not practically present the actions to be taken and further details on the costing should be discussed separately.

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